The decisions likely to be taken by North Yorkshire Council in the following 12 months are set out below:


Publication Date:


4 September 2023

Last updated:

4 September 2023

Period covered by Plan:

30 September 2024







In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements)(Meetings and Access to information)(England) Regulations 2012, at least 28 clear days’ notice, excluding the day of notification and the day of decision taking, must be published on the Forward Plan of any intended key decision.  It is also a requirement that 28 clear days’ notice is published of the intention to hold an Executive meeting or any part of it in private for the consideration of confidential or exempt information.  For further information and advice please contact the Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager on 01609 533531.




Likely Date of Decision

**Decision Taker

In Consultation with (Executive Member or Corporate Director)

Description of Matter – including if the report contains any exempt information and the reasons why

Key Decision



Decision Required


(i.e. the principal groups to be consulted)

Consultation Process

(i.e. the means by which any such consultation is to be undertaken)

Contact details for making representations

(Tel: 0845 034 9494)

unless specified otherwise)

Relevant documents already submitted to Decision Taker





19 Sep 2023





Harrogate Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) project delivery options



To consider Harrogate TCF project delivery options and status following quashing of 30th May 23 Executive decision to implement in light of a Judicial Review legal challenge.


Grant funding bodies WYCA / DFT, Harrogate and Knaresborough ACC.



Decision record 07/08/23, published 22/08/23.

Richard Binks, Head of Major Projects & Infrastructure

Harrogate Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) project delivery options
2023-08-07 Decision Record - Judicial Review
2023-08-25 Rule 15 Urgency  Exempt Information Notice - Harrogate TCF





19 Sep 2023





Footway Lighting Energy Reduction



To seek approval for a three step plan to address significant ongoing maintenance and energy issues associated with Footway and Amenity lighting that has transferred to North Yorkshire Council following the recent Local Government Reorganisation.
Executive will be asked to consider an Invest to Save opportunity and approve a £2.46m capital investment that has the potential for £440k annual saving (at current energy rates).




Paul Gilmore, Electrical Engineering Manager, Highways and Transportation

Footway Lighting Energy Reduction





19 Sep 2023





Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP+) - Grant Funding Acceptance



To outline the allocating of funding the Department for Transport (DfT) recently announced entitled BSIP+.

Approval is required to accept the £2,927,376 funding, to be split equally across 2023/24 and 2024/25, upon receipt of the terms and conditions from the DfT.




Catherine Price

Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP+) - Grant Funding Acceptance



19 Sep 2023





Neighbourhood Planning – Making of the Bradleys Both Neighbourhood Development Plan



1.1 To present the results of the Bradleys Both Neighbourhood Development Plan referendum and the requirements of North Yorkshire Council as the Local Planning Authority to formally ‘make’ the Bradleys Both Neighbourhood Development Plan.
1.2 To present the Regulation 19 Decision Statement, set out at Appendix A to this report, which sets out the Local Planning Authorities’ decision in terms of making or adopting the Bradleys Both Neighbourhood Development Plan and the reasons for making that decision.

The Executive is asked to recommend to Full Council that the Bradleys Both NDP is made and that the Decision Statement set out at Appendix A to the report is approved.


Climate Change:

Trevor Watson
Nic Harne
Councillors Bastiman and Myers

Via Email

Trevor Watson, AD Planning

Neighbourhood Planning – Making of the Bradleys Both Neighbourhood Development Plan









17 Oct 2023





Levelling Up Fund – Catterick Garrison Town Centre Regeneration Project – Completion of Heads of Terms



•To allow completion of Heads of terms between NYC, DIO and MOD
•To finalise the governance around the collaborative working and Land Transfer of the LUF boundary to NYC control/ownership.
•Sign off and agreement by Executive member required to facilitate the completion of these documents.


NYC Legal, Finance, Climate and Equalities

Consultation will be via email

David Caulfield, AD Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism & Skills

Levelling Up Fund – Catterick Garrison Town Centre Regeneration Project – Completion of Heads of Terms



17 Oct 2023





North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy



To consider the proposed North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and recommend it for adoption to the Council.
NOTE: The North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board’s Terms of Reference state that “The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy will be referred to the Council for approval as part of the Council’s Policy Framework.”


•The public and partners
•North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board (finalised draft) on 20th September 2023
•Executive on 17th October 2023
•Council on 15th November 2023
NOTE: There is on-going liaison with the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board, who will be asked to approve a draft Strategy to be consulted on, at its meeting on 17th March 2023.

In terms of the public and partners, a period of public consultation is planned for spring/summer 2023.
In terms of the formal meetings referred to above, the process will be via presentation and discussion of the proposed Strategy at the relevant Committee meetings.

Louise Wallace, AD Health and Integration

North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy



17 Oct 2023





To accept grant funding from the National Institute for Health Research should our bid be successful



To ask for approval to accept funding up to £5million across a 5 year period, should our bid be successful. The funding is intended to improve the capacity and capability for research within the local authority to aid evidence driven decision making.




Katie Needham, Public Health Consultant, Health and Adult Services

To accept grant funding from the National Institute for Health Research should our bid be successful



17 Oct 2023





Asset Disposal



Disposal of Assets




Kerry Metcalfe, AD Property, Procurement & Commercial

Asset Disposal



17 Oct 2023





Double Devolution



The purpose of the report is to ask Executive to agree the recommended expressions of interest (EOI) of council services to be devolved to town or parish councils (Double Devolution) to take forward to the next stage of decision making following full business case of individual EOI.
12 expressions of interest (EOI) were received from Town and Parish councils by March 2023, and these have subsequently been evaluated. We are proposing to take 7 of these forward to business case and are seeking agreement from Executive of the 7 EOI recommended.
It is proposed that we will devolve assets and or services from April 2024.


Members-relevant to the areas identified to be recommended to take forward to double devolution business stage.
Town and Parish Councils to reflect on which areas have been recommended to take forward and where they have not

Direct contact through meeting and written feedback.

Rachel Joyce, Assistant Chief Executive for Localities, Alison Szustakowski, Senior Project MAnager;,

Double Devolution



17 Oct 2023





Amendments to the Council’s Constitution



Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution for recommendation to full Council.

Subject to any comments Members may have, to recommend the proposed amendments to the Constitution to full Council for approval.


Relevant NYC Officers and Members. The Members’ Working Group on the Constitution.

Correspondence and meetings

Moira Beighton

Amendments to the Council’s Constitution



17 Oct 2023





North Yorkshire Economic Growth Strategy for adoption



To consider and adopt an Economic Development Strategy for North Yorkshire


The Draft Strategy has been subject to several stages of consultation during its development, including:

- The Leader of the Council
- Executive Members for Open for Business, Highways and Transportation, and Culture, Arts and Housing
- All member briefing
- Chief Executive
- York, North Yorkshire, and East Riding Directors of Development
- York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (officers)
- North Yorkshire economic development officer group
- Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Transition (LGR) Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Federation of Small Businesses
- Adjoining Local Enterprise Partnerships
- West and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
- Skills providers
- A range of developers and businesses active in North Yorkshire

Following an extensive review of data and information, the draft Strategy has been developed and refined through a series of:

• one to one interviews
• presentations followed by group discussions
• larger workshops with facilitated debates

The development of the Strategy has been guided by officers from economic development and led by the Assistant Director for Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism and Skills. The Strategy is based upon a North Yorkshire Economic Framework that was agreed in consultation with the Executive member for Open to Business.

David Caulfield, AD Economic Development, Regeneration, Tourism & Skills

North Yorkshire Economic Growth Strategy for adoption



17 Oct 2023





Proposal to amalgamate Wavell Community Infant and Junior Schools.






Andrew Dixon, Strategic Planning Manager, Education & Skills



17 Oct 2023





Application for Homes England Investment Partner Status and Associated Affordable Housing Programme 2021-26 Bid



The report seeks permission from the Executive for North Yorkshire Council to apply to Homes England for Investment Partner status and to submit an associated bid to Homes England for grant funding under the Affordable Housing Programme (AHP) 2021-26.


Financial; Legal; Equalities; and Climate Change

Internal officers will be consulted in full.

Marie Woodhouse

Application for Homes England Investment Partner Status and Associated Affordable Housing Programme 2021-26 Bid





7 Nov 2023





Proposed extra care housing scheme



To approve funding to support the development of an extra care housing scheme in Whitby. To review the proposed scheme and outcome of the procurement.




Michael Rudd, Head of Housing Marketing Development (Commissioning), Health and Adult Services




7 Nov 2023





Member Allowances 2024/25



To make a recommendation to Full Council based on Independent Remuneration Panel Recommendations


Independent Remuneration Panel and Members

IRP Meetings

Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Democratic Services)

Member Allowances 2024/25





28 Nov 2023





Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators.


Management Board


Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



28 Nov 2023





Asset Disposal



Disposal of Assets




Kerry Metcalfe, AD Property, Procurement & Commercial

Asset Disposal



28 Nov 2023





Outdoor Learning Service



To consider the outcome of the strategic review and full business case for the Outdoor Learning Service.


Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Amanda Newbold, AD Education Services

Outdoor Learning Service





12 Dec 2023





Asset Disposal



Disposal of Assets




Kerry Metcalfe, AD Property, Procurement & Commercial

Asset Disposal



12 Dec 2023





Asset Disposal



Disposal of Assets




Kerry Metcalfe, AD Property, Procurement & Commercial

Asset Disposal



9 Jan 2024





Review of Outside Bodies



Following the amalgamation of the District and Borough Councils all Outside Bodies now fall under the remit of North Yorkshire Council. It was agreed at Council AGM in May 2023 to complete a review of Outside Bodies within 12 months in order to review and reduce the numbers to a more manageable amount. This will be completed against an agreed criteria and scored accordingly.




Christine Phillipson, Democratic Services & Scrutiny Officer

Review of Outside Bodies



9 Jan 2024





Shaping the future of Leisure Services in North Yorkshire: Outcomes of the Strategic Leisure Review



To consider and agree the outcomes and recommendations from the Strategic Leisure Review.


There is a Members Working Group already established.

LGR Transition O&S committee meeting on the 4th December. Please can you confirm that we are on the forward plan for this meeting and any deadlines for papers etc

Internal engagement (not formal consultation)
• within the service
• affected services e.g. public health, HAS, CYPS
• Leisure operators
• Stakeholders and partners (e.g. Sport England, National Governing Bodies, health organisations, local sports groups)
• Key focus groups for impacted community groups e.g Older people, Children and Young persons

Engagement and consultation taking place with stakeholders to inform the findings and recommendations of the review.
This includes individual discussions, focus groups, webinars, webpage, workshops and a survey

Jo Ireland, AD Culture, Arts & Leisure

Shaping the future of Leisure Services in North Yorkshire: Outcomes of the Strategic Leisure Review



23 Jan 2024





Revenue Budget 2024/25 and Medium Term Financial Strategy - To make recommendation to Full Council



To consider and recommend to Council the Revenue Budget for 2024/25 and the
Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
including the:
• Revenue Plan
• Capital Plan
• Treasury Management
• Prudential Indicators


Management Board

Budget consultation process

Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Revenue Budget 2024/25 and Medium Term Financial Strategy - To make recommendation to Full Council



23 Jan 2024





Council Plan 2024- 2028



To consider and recommend to council the Council Plan for 2024-2028


Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Management Board


Simon Moss, Strategy & Performance Team Leader

Council Plan 2024- 2028





20 Feb 2024





Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget report including: Revenue Plan; Capital Plan; Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators


Management Board


Gary Fielding, Corporate Director of Resources

Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report



19 Mar 2024





Future arrangements for the Harrogate and Rural Alliance



To consider feedback from the consultation and approve the final legal framework.


NHS Commissioners and Providers

Correspondence and meetings

Chris Watson




19 Mar 2024





Redeployment of land to the north and south of Crosshills Lane, Selby



To approve the proposed redeployment of the property


Executive members and Management Board at the informal Executive meeting held on 8 June 2021


Philip Cowan, Non-Operational Property Manager, NYC Property Services




16 Apr 2024





Annual Review of Member Champions



Annual Review of Member Champions




Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager

Annual Review of Member Champions






Should you wish to make representation as to the matter being discussed in public please contact Daniel Harry

Email: ( Tel: 01609 533531.